Zit Emergency!

You looking at my zit? You zit looker cheeky monkey!  I woke up with this beautiful duo on my chin and was actually excited.  I don’t get breakouts often, so when I got these I thought….BLOG!  Ok, so before you start to hate me for never getting breakouts, it hasn’t always been that way.  I struggled with acne through most of my 20’s and that is what motivated me to go to school for skin.  Enough about me and my face, let me give you a scenario.

It’s the day before your big event, the pressure is mounting and BOOM! A Mount St. Helens size zit pops up on your face. It’s like your bodies way of saying, “Oh, you’re getting married tomorrow? Here’s a present.” No matter the occasion an unwelcomed visitor is never good.  Let me tell you how you can zap that zit fast, or at least minimize it.

You will need…

Acne Lotion

 You know I am an Image girl, so I absolutely love the Clear Cell acne lotion. It works super quick to clear up existing breakouts and prevent new ones.  Any product with salicylic and benzoyl peroxide will be good.


Any small round or square bandaid will work.

Hydrocortisone Cream

I am using Cortisone 10 but again you can use any hydrocortisone of choice.


  1. Wash your face thoroughly and pat dry.
  2. Mix equal parts acne lotion and hydrocortisone (both together should be about the size of a pea).
  3. Place mixture right on breakout.
  4. Put bandaid on to cover mixture and breakout (this ensures the product stays on all night).
  5. Moisturize the rest of your face as normal.

This mixture will help reduce the redness and inflammation of your breakout.  In some cases it could clear it up all together. Note: Do NOT use the hydrocortisone cream all over your face if you have active acne.  This is meant to be used for a single breakout.

Hope this helped all you lovelies de-stress and rest before your big day (whatever that may be). Until next time…

Be Fearless. Be Beautiful! xo

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